POJ 2949 Word Rings
Doubi Gao3
posted @ 2014年2月23日 15:26
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Graph Theory
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解法:求平均权值最大的环路? 记得一本书上说过,假如所有的边都在环中,其实就是:E1+E2+E3+E4+....+En = mid*n;转换一下即为:E1-mid+E2-mid+...En-mid = 0;这是权值相等的时候。 要使得mid最大,那么我们可以把E1-mid做为原先图的边。如果有正环存在,说明权值可以继续增大。 二分枚举mid即可。
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <map> #include <stack> using namespace std; int k, n, m; const int maxn = 2010; const int maxm = 1010*1010*2; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; double d[maxn]; struct Edge { int u, v; double w; int next; }edge[maxm]; int cnt; int first[maxn]; void read_graph(int u, int v, double w) { edge[cnt].v = v, edge[cnt].w = w; edge[cnt].next = first[u], first[u] = cnt++; } bool inq[maxn]; double L, R; int spfa(double mid) { stack<int> Q; for(int i = 1; i <= k; i++) { d[i] = 0; Q.push(i); inq[i] = 1; } int CNT[maxn] = {0}; while(!Q.empty()) { int x = Q.top(); Q.pop(); inq[x] = 0; for(int e = first[x]; e != -1; e = edge[e].next) { int v = edge[e].v; double w = edge[e].w; if(d[v] < d[x]+w) { d[v] = d[x]+w; if(!inq[v]) { inq[v] = 1; if(++CNT[v] > k) return 1; Q.push(v); } } } } return 0; } void init() { cnt = 0; memset(first, -1, sizeof(first)); } int ord(char x, char y) { return (x-'a')*26+y-'a'+1; } int have_cycle(double mid) { for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) edge[i].w -= mid; int flag = 0; if(spfa(mid)) flag = 1; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) edge[i].w += mid; return flag; } const double eps = 1e-2; char word[1010]; int vis[3010]; int main() { while(scanf("%d", &m)) { if(!m) break; init(); memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); L = 0, R = 0; k = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) { scanf("%s", word); int len = strlen(word); int a = ord(word[0], word[1]); int b = ord(word[len-2], word[len-1]); if(!vis[a]) vis[a] = ++k; if(!vis[b]) vis[b] = ++k; R = max(R, len*1.0); read_graph(vis[a], vis[b], len*1.0); } double ans = -1; while(R-L >= eps) { double mid = L+(R-L)/2.0; if(have_cycle(mid)) { ans = mid; L = mid; } else R = mid; } if(ans == -1) printf("No solution.\n"); else printf("%.2f\n", ans); } return 0; }
2022年9月18日 02:13
Department of Education and Secondary Education Board has designed the AP SSC Civics Model Paper 2023 Pdf with answers for Telugu Medium, English Medium & Urdu Medium Students of the State Board. Every year there are a huge number of teaching staff and educational portals of the state have suggested the practice question bank with revision questions for both medium students of the board. AP 10th Civics Model Paper In civics, students learn to contribute to public processes and discussions of real issues. Students can also learn civic practices such as voting, volunteering, jury service, and joining with others to improve society. Civics enables students not only to study how others participate but also to practice participating and taking informed action themselves.