#include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <cmath> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define readint(T) scanf("%d", &T) const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; template<typename Comparable> class BHeap { private: int currentSize; vector<Comparable> array; void buildHeap(); void percolateDown(int hole); public: explicit BHeap(int capacity = 100); explicit BHeap(const vector<Comparable> &items); bool isEmpty() const; Comparable findMin() const; void decreaseKey(int p, Comparable delta); void increaseKey(int p, Comparable delta); void insert(const Comparable &x); Comparable deleteMin(); void makeEmpty(); void print(); }; template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::insert(const Comparable &x) { if(currentSize == array.size() -1) array.resize(array.size()*2); int hole = ++currentSize; for(; hole > 1 && x < array[hole/2]; hole /=2) array[hole] = array[hole/2]; array[hole] = x; } template<typename Comparable> Comparable BHeap<Comparable>::deleteMin() { Comparable ERROR = -1; if(isEmpty()) { printf("already Empty\n"); return ERROR; } Comparable minItem = array[1]; array[1] = array[currentSize--]; percolateDown(1); return minItem; } template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::percolateDown(int hole) { int child; Comparable tmp = array[hole]; for(; hole*2 <= currentSize; hole = child) { child = hole*2; if(child != currentSize && array[child+1] < array[child]) child++; if(array[child] < tmp) array[hole] = array[child]; else break; } array[hole] = tmp; } template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::decreaseKey(int p, Comparable delta) { Comparable tmp = array[p]-delta; if(tmp > array[p]) printf("The new Key is larger than current Key!!!\n"); else { array[p] = tmp; int hole; for(hole = p; hole > 1 && array[tmp] < array[hole/2]; hole /= 2) array[hole] = array[hole/2]; array[hole] = tmp; } } template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::increaseKey(int p, Comparable delta) { Comparable tmp = array[p]+delta; if(tmp < array[p]) printf("The new Key is smaller than current Key!!!\n"); else { array[p] = tmp; percolateDown(p); } } template<typename Comparable> BHeap<Comparable>::BHeap(const vector<Comparable> &items):array(items.size()+10), currentSize(items.size()) { for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) array[i+1] = items[i]; buildHeap(); } template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::buildHeap() //建堆只考虑有子节点的节点 { for(int i = currentSize/2; i > 0; i--) percolateDown(i); } template<typename Comparable> bool BHeap<Comparable>::isEmpty() const { if(currentSize == 0) return 1; return 0; } template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::makeEmpty() { currentSize = 0; } template<typename Comparable> Comparable BHeap<Comparable>::findMin() const { Comparable minItem = array[1]; return minItem; } template<typename Comparable> void BHeap<Comparable>::print() { for(int i = 1; i <= currentSize; i++) printf(i != currentSize?"%d ":"%d\n", array[i]); } int main() { ////////////////////////////test vector<int> ar; int minItem, x; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { readint(x); ar.push_back(x); } BHeap<int> Heap(ar); printf("findMin: %d\n", Heap.findMin()); Heap.print(); printf("Please input a digit:\n"); readint(x); printf("after insert a digit\n"); Heap.insert(x); Heap.print(); printf("position 1 increase 10 and percolateDown\n"); Heap.increaseKey(1, 10); Heap.print(); printf("position 1 decrease 15 and percolateUp\n"); Heap.decreaseKey(1, 15); Heap.print(); printf("deleteMin:\n"); Heap.deleteMin(); Heap.print(); system("pause"); }